86th NAACP State Convention | Pflugerville, Texas, October 12 -14

Dr. Eva Mason, our Health Committee chair, participated in the Saturday Morning bike ride and said it was a beautiful ride.


Below were the Texas State Branch presidents participating on a panel discussing “How to Effectively Advance Civil Rights in Your Community.”


Below is the delegation who attended the Branch President’s Luncheon where the featured speaker was CEO and National President, Derrick Johnson




The next picture is of President Hudspeth and Mrs. TaNeika Driver-Moultrie serving as Master and Mistress of Ceremonies for the Texas Heroes Banquet which was the closing event of the Conference.


The video below is of Mrs. Maria Greene, our Community Coordination Committee chair, enjoying the Youth Luncheon.


All photos and videos at this event were provided by Secretary Dr. Dollie Hudspeth!

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