January 2024 SA Branch Community Calendar

Submitted by the
Community Coordination Committee Chair, Maria S. Greene


ACT-SO Talent Show, Saturday, January 20th, location to be announced, email actsosa210@gmail.com

Jubilee Sunday Celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation

Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 3:00 pm at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, 1819 Nevada St.  Guest speaker Rev. Dr. Michael Jolla, Pastor of West End Baptist Church


Ready to Work Program’s Upcoming Training Opportunities sponsored by the City of San Antonio

Commercial Drivers License: Weekly Classes

Culinary Arts-January 16

Data Science, starts March 19

Electrical Trades-starts September 24;  applications accepted all year

Full Stack Web Development-starts January 22 and February 20

Solar Power Certifications

Tech Fundamentals-starts February 5

Warehouse Logistics-starts February 20

Phone: 210-630-4690

Free Google IT Self-Paced Career Certificate Training (for students 18 and up) sponsored by 100 Black Men’s Youth Build SA Office, 1104 Denver. Contact www100blackmensa.org/itapprenticeships or phone: 210-532-1511

Free High School Equivalency Classes sponsored by Alamo Colleges DistrictProgram eligibility:  18 years old, Valid ID, Social Security Card, Proof of San Antonio residency.  

Class schedules:  Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm OR Monday-Thursday, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  For more information, call St. Philip’s College, 210-486-2444


MLK Scholarship Program.  Available to all graduating Bexar County High School Seniors.  Applicants are invited to participate in a MLK Scholarship Virtual Workshop.  Students are supplied with the tools and resources to  “stand out in an applicant pool and maximize their scholarship success.”  Application deadline February 24, 2024.  Contact MLK@SanAntonio.gov


Fresh Start sponsored by University Health System provides life-changing surgeries for children in need. Transforms the lives of disadvantaged children with needs caused by illness, disease, birth defect, abuse where financial hardship or lack of insurance may be an issue. Procedures performed include:Cleft lip and palate repair, scar revisions, facial deformities, burn contracture, and many more…at no cost to the patient. Contact FreshStart.org or Fresh.Start@UHTX.com


VIA’s Proposed Rapid Transit Silver Line Projectconnecting the east and west sides of San Antonio through the downtown area, and running between General McMullen Drive and the Frost Bank Center.  Community input meetings:  Wednesday, January 17th, 5:30 to 7:30 pm,  at the Little Carver Civic Center, Carver Community Cultural Center, 226 North Hackberry St. or Saturday, January 20th 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at VIA Metropolitan Transit, 123 N. Medina.

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